Monday, October 6, 2008

K-9 Internet Filter


I feel that having un-filtered internet at your house is like having a load gun lying around. I have used filtering software form Norton and K-9 filtering software and I think K-9 is better. Click here.

Not having a filter opens your computer up to all types of malware. Last week, a fiends of my wife had her work computer at home. Her husband went to an online gambling site, and got all kinds of virus. It has been my experience that adult websites are the worst for malware. I think K-9 would make your computer more secure.

I did some research and found some verification for this. According to The Top 10 Culprits Causing Malware Infections, adult site are a big source of malware.


1 comment:

Manu said...

I've always thought to put a filter at home because what is found on internet is very "colorful" and sometimes you do not even have to try to find filty stuff. I appreciate the filter at school but I think is too strict, so I'll set the option just as pornography filter. I hope that K-9 could be set easily to what my desires are. Bye