Saturday, September 29, 2007

History of IS Management

I am reading a book on Information systems theory management that presents the proposition that IT/IS history is divided into data processing, and management information systems era (Ward and Peppard) One of the first models presented for was very hierarchical. The model, which developed in 1970s by Gibson and Nolan, went from operational systems, to control systems to planning systems. I was structure how this was influenced by the standard rational model of an organization. I have not read original source so maybe the idea is attributed to rational model. The Nolan of this model is a Harvard professor who completed his training in the early 1960s. Open systems theory started after World War II so I wondered why this early model of IS/IT management is influenced by the Rational Model (Scott & Davis 2007).

How would the model be different? I think there would be a focus on units and relationships?

I will get into this more as my term progress.


Scott, J., & Davis, G. (2007). Organizations and Organizing. Upper Saddle River, New Jersery: Prentice Hall.

Ward, J., and Peppard J. Stragtegic Planning for Information Systems. West Sussex England: John Wiley & Sons, 2004.